First Aid at Work Requalification
Rescue Training International First Aid at Work course is approved and recognized by the Cyprus Department of Labour Inspection as well as the First aid Industry Body of England.
According to legislation first aid certificates issued at the end of training, are valid for three years. After the expiration date they should be renewed.
Certificate renewal process
First Aid at Work – 18 hours / 3 days:
The 18-hour first aid at work training course must be renewed every three years. The renewal is achieved by repetitive training lasting 12 hours, in order the certificate to be valid for three more years.
The second FAW certificate renewal (at the end of 6 years) is achieved at the completion of a 12 hours requalification course and will be valid for three more years.
Upon the expiration of 9 years an original first aid at work course should be repeated from the beginning, lasting 18 hours.
In all above cases, the process of written and practical examination is the normal.
Emergency First Aid at Work / 6 hours:
The 6 – hours emergency first aid at work course should also be renewed every three years. The EFAW certificate obtained by repeating the original 6 hours training.
With the training completion, the certificate will be valid for more three years.
An annual 3 hours repetition of skills learning is strongly recommended, but there is no requirement in the specification of the certificate.